I have always wanted my own blog. This will be a great way to keep my long distance friends in the loop of my jam-packed ordinary life. I know you’re wondering “A Walk in Progress” is that a typo, what....was “A Work In Progress” already taken? No, the meaning behind the title is regarding my walk with God.; my walk with God is a constant work in progress. He is constantly molding me into the women he wants me to be; a walk of HUMILITY.
This is the beginning of a new chapter in my life, I am going to truly appreciate my days as a twenty- something. My 29th birthday is on the horizon, and I want to celebrate this birthday with a bang before the really “Big Bang”. Most of my friends are turning 30 this year. I just threw one of my best friends a birthday brunch. She loved it. I am really glad everyone enjoyed it, because I don’t remember a thing. Everything is hazy and all I remember is boo-hoo crying. All I remember is standing up and wanting to say some closing remarks. I had a few points that I wanted to say, but they all went out my head when I started balling. I ‘m talking about to the point where I had snot coming out my nose (sorry for the graphic detail) and my poor friend Lecia (the birthday girl)had to get up and console me.
On the way to the Brunch, Lecia and I were talking about how God has been a strong hold throughout our lives and how important it was to keep the faith, which was great, that was part of the theme of the party. I guess all the emotions from our conversation just overwhelmed me when I got up to speak to all of our friends.
I have a few other friends that are turning 30 in the later half 2010. I am supposed to be going on a cruise with Shelly, a friend from college. Another college friend Morgan, want to go to Destin, Florida, in September, which from the photos seem a great vacation spot. It’s going to be a busy summer catching up with my girlfriends.
Destin looks like a great hotspot. I never heard of it. I searched and here are some pics:

Just Beautiful!
Well have a beautiful sunset,