Thursday, May 3, 2012

I read the following off of Caroline's blog in  and I think it rings true for me right now.
"If fact, if I were to share all the little pieces with you it might make you have anxiety too. ha! But no matter what, I keep reminding myself that not every blessing comes in the way we think it should come. And not every ugly/hard thing is bad. I am finding that these hard things just might be big blessings in disguise. A part time teaching job might not be so bad. And money is just money. He has faithfully supplied my every need from the moment i was being formed in my mother's womb.

He knows the end. I am in the dark but He is light...He can see it all."

I have a million and one questions about issues that I am currently going through. It seems that I could flee and avoid a lot of heart ache. But the Lord never saif the road would be easy. At times I have thought, I have live my life straight, I never got my self caught up with different issues  I don't have baggage from my past. Does it make sense to know at 30, to get myself caught up a situation now? It seems so "greener" in everyone else's life, why can't it be green for me, I would even take baby green! But I realze I am being selfisand only focusing on myelf. Ut I believe in what I have always said. I want to only do things that glorify God and futher His kingdom.

Also, on Savannah Hill Conner’s blog (on April 4, 2009), She wrote, " i ran across this quote from matt chandler. i'd be lying if i didn't say i wish i hadn't read it, but it's good. really good, actually. and i am challenged by the truth in his words...

"my problem was this, I found the world crammed full with neat Christian girls and very few godly women. i would meet girls that were beautiful, and who were talented and who were morally upright and pure, but there was no love, no strong passionate love for Jesus Christ & His kingdom...and there was no drive to be completely His, there was no essence of, "i love the Lord above all things".

to love Jesus above all things..."