Thursday, October 25, 2012

Same 'Ole, Same 'Ole

My Alpha group is surviving. There is a couple Tim and Sara, that always are able to spark lively conversation. I was able to share my transition from NY to NJ, just relying on the Lord.

The song that I have sang all day is Your Great Name by Natalie Grant.

I am working on the last wedding that I am involved with, Praise God. I don't think I can take any more.

I have the photo station and seating chart. My creative juices aren't flowing like they use to. I am now going to try and the bride says I am using her wedding as a test run. Yeah, that would be true if I was with someone.

I was suppose to do the 31 days of singleness. I didn't do more than one day, PITIFUL!

I can't wait til Saturday, Alpha Day Away at some retreat. Then I am going to a festival on Sunday. Can't wait. I love my friends.

I will try and post some pic soon,


Monday, October 22, 2012

A Wedding in D.C.

I attend another wedding this weekend. It was one of the best this year!

I had a blast. I spent time with family.

Wedding Signage

He places the ring on her finger.....

Mor pics to come.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Christian Singles' Groups

I am part of a singles group and were are currently going through some issues. It's a co-ed group of singles, unmarried or single again. And of course, some people are interested in each other, and at times the feeling isn't mutual. So we try to mitigate the circumstances so either party isn't hurt. But sometimes it is not possible, but then there are times they are. But women can get catty and publicize the situation to the entire group. I detest that! I hate when people aren't discreet, or not considerate of other peoples feelings.

This happened to a dear friend of mine. I feel badly for him. I have even cried, IN PUBLIC, for him because of his situation. But I feel some of the ladies are a little to harsh. One woman was going to tell him to his face that he was socially awkward and use examples of an incident that didn't occur to her, to let him understand how he feels. I was apalled.

I know I have to speak up and put an end to this, somebody has to.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

31 Days of Blogging Series

I have decided to do the 31 days blogging series. It didn't take long to choose the topic I would be blogging about for 31 days. This has been something I have been struggling with for some time. It has changed as I have matured and changed. My topic is Being Single and Loving Jesus.

I have struggled for sometime about being single. I prayed that God would protect me from men until the right one came along. But I have always loved my "husband" and "children" even though I don't have either. I been convicted of loving "them" and not loving my Savior enough. My recent prayers have been to feel the love that I have for the Lord. I actually felt it a couple of days ago. I woke up and felt immersed in the love. But I want to be in love with Him. At the same time, I for one time in my life I want to be content in being single. It doesn't have to be a long time. But I just want to be content in Jesus alone, because He is the only one who can truly satisfy my want and desires, that no husband or child can begin to quench.

So today is the beginning of a brand new me. I know I can't do it alone. But through Him, I know it is possible. The other thing I am working on is properly tithing  and tithing on time on time. I know so much can happen through tithing. But most importantly I want to be obedient to God. I can't wait to see what happens in the next 31 days. Please pray for me as I embark on this journey to walk closer with the Lord.

This morning, I read this Focus on the Family article about dating a divorced person. It is something that I have had many questions about. But I just want wisdom on. At the end of the article they have three circumstances, with scripture referenced, that they back are acceptable to divorce and remarry. That is something that I will have to work the courage to ask my pastor. This is a concern because, I am part of a group of men and women, and the majority of them are divorced. They are a great bunch of people to hang out with, but am I going to get married hanging out with them? I don't know. Only God has the answer. Only time will tell.
The article I was reading:

But alas, my concern is me at my current status not what could be or should be.

I bid you farewell until tomorrow.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Singles Retreat & A Wedding

Oh, the retreat was great. I got to bond with Beth, Lizette, Corrie. We had a great girls weekend.

But to cap the weekend. I got an email on the way home, that Nic and Rachelle are getting married. I can't believe it! I am so excited for them. God has been talking to me about marriage, just getting a better understanding what a huge change it brings to your life, But it was phenominal to get this great news. I guess 2012 was the year to get married. I have been invited to at least 9 weddings this year (and attending 6). The best will be Rachelle's. They have been good friends for so long.

I can't wait until November 24, 2012!