New York City! I will always love you, but you are no good for me. So I went out with my new friend ( inpromptu lunch) about two weeks ago! I can't believe it. My first outing. I almost said no, I'm such a dunce. But, thought about it and said yes.He was so gracious. I was going through something trying and he was there for me. I need someone to talk to and I am glad it was him. I wonder what God has in store for me. I right now need not to question HIM and lean not on my own understanding. But enbrace God and all of his glory, for he has my best interest at heart. I hope to see my new friend this weekend. I didn't see him last Sunday, because he was sick, but he did email me. But he never replied to my email. What is that about? Get it together buddy. I don't know about this (of you)! Let me be patient, for he has been extremely patient with me.
Many Blessings,