Friday, October 5, 2012

Christian Singles' Groups

I am part of a singles group and were are currently going through some issues. It's a co-ed group of singles, unmarried or single again. And of course, some people are interested in each other, and at times the feeling isn't mutual. So we try to mitigate the circumstances so either party isn't hurt. But sometimes it is not possible, but then there are times they are. But women can get catty and publicize the situation to the entire group. I detest that! I hate when people aren't discreet, or not considerate of other peoples feelings.

This happened to a dear friend of mine. I feel badly for him. I have even cried, IN PUBLIC, for him because of his situation. But I feel some of the ladies are a little to harsh. One woman was going to tell him to his face that he was socially awkward and use examples of an incident that didn't occur to her, to let him understand how he feels. I was apalled.

I know I have to speak up and put an end to this, somebody has to.

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